
The path used for a given pile depends on the best matching environment(s) for a configured path. This page discusses how to define environments. For how to use them with hoards/piles, see Hoards and Piles.

Environments can be matched on one or more of five possible factors:

  • os: Operating System
  • env: Environment variables
    • Can match on just existence or also a specific value.
  • hostname: The system hostname.
  • exe_exists: Whether an executable file exists in $PATH.
  • path_exists: Whether something exists (one of) the given path(s).

All the above factors can be written using two-dimensional array syntax. That is, ["foo", ["bar, "baz"]] is interpreted as (foo) OR (bar AND baz), in whatever way applies to that given factor.

It is an error to include an AND condition for os or hostname, as a system can only have one of each.

    # Matching something *nix-y
    os = ["linux", "freebsd"]
    # Either sed and sh, or bash, must exist
    exe_exists = ["bash", ["sh", "sed"]]
    # Require both $HOME to exist and $HOARD_EXAMPLE_ENV to equal YES.
    # Note the double square brackets that indicate AND instead of OR.
    env = [[
      { var = "HOME" },
      { var = "HOARD_EXAMPLE_ENV", expected = "YES" },


The exclusivity lists indicate names of environments that are considered mutually exclusive to each other -- that is, cannot appear in the same environment condition -- and the order indicates which one(s) have precedence when matching environments.

See the example config file for a more thorough example.

exclusivity = [
    # Assuming all else the same, an environment condition string with "neovim" will take
    # precedence over one with "vim", which takes precedence over one with "emacs".
    ["neovim", "vim", "emacs"]