Hoards and Piles

Hoards consist of one or more piles, where each pile is a mapping of environment condition strings to paths on the filesystem.

An environment condition string is one or more environment names separated by pipes. The system must match ALL environments in the string in order for the associated path to be considered.

The following rules determine which path to use for a pile:

  1. The condition string with the most environments wins.
  2. If multiple conditions tie for most environments, the exclusivity list is used to determine if one takes precedence.
  3. If multiple conditions have the same precedence, an error is printed and hoard exits.
  4. If no conditions match, the pile is skipped and a warning is printed.
[hoards] # This hoard consists of a single anonymous pile [hoards.simple_hoard] # This is "foo" and "bar" separated by a pipe character (`|`). # It will use this path if the system matches both environments "foo" and "bar". "foo|bar" = "/path/to/a/thing" # This path is considered if the system matches the environment "baz". # It will use this path if one of "foo" or "bar" doesn't match. Otherwise, "foo|bar" # takes precedence because it is a longer condition (more environments to match). "baz" = "/some/different/path" [hoards.complex_hoard] # This hoard consists of two named piles: "first" and "second". [hoards.complex_hoard.first] "foo|bar" = "/some/path/first" "baz" = "/some/different/path/first" [hoards.complex_hoard.second] "foo|bar" = "/some/path/second" "baz" = "/some/different/path/second"

Environment Variables

Paths may contain environment variables. Environment variables must be written as ${ENVVAR}, where ENVVAR is the environment variable. As an example, the following hoard could be used to back up a user's Documents folder on Linux and Windows.

[hoards.documents] "linux" = "${HOME}/Documents" "windows" = "${USERPROFILE}/Documents"

For the user myuser, this expands to the following:

[hoards.documents] "linux" = "/home/myuser/Documents" "windows" = "C:/Users/myuser/Documents"

If the environment variable does not exist (i.e. is not defined), an error is returned and the operation is canceled.


  1. There is no support for default values, i.e. ${MYVAR:-"/some/default"}

Pile Configuration

Pile configuration can be defined at three different levels:

  1. Globally
  2. Per-Hoard
  3. Per-Pile

For a given Pile, any/all three of the levels of configuration are "layered" together, as appropriate for each configuration item:

  • Ignore patterns are merged and deduplicated.
  • Encryption settings will use the most-specific settings.

Ignore Patterns

Set ignore to a list of glob patterns indicating files and folders to ignore. These lists will be merged across all levels of configuration.

# ... snip env definitions of "foo" and "bar" ... # Top-level config, applies to all hoards [config] # Ignore the .git folder at any depth ignore = ["**/.git"] [hoards] [hoards.anon_hoard] "foo" = "/some/path" "bar" = "/some/other/path" [hoards.anon_hoard.config] ignore = [ "**/.*", # Ignore all hidden files on Linux/macOS "*.log", # Ignore all top-level log files ] [hoards.named_hoard] [hoards.named_hoard.config] ignore = ["ignore-in-named-only"] [hoards.named_hoard.pile1] "foo" = "/some/named/path" "bar" = "/another/named/path"